
Main assessment schedules for all municipal fees

Type: Generalization

Municipality: Rechmaya Municipality

Town: Rechmaya

Publication Date: 2024-07-22

The Municipality of Rachmaya announces that the main assessment schedules for all municipal fees for the year 2024 and previous years are now due for collection. Please take note of the following:

Fees must be paid within two months from the date of the announcement in the Official Gazette, which was published on July 18, 2024.
A late penalty of 2% (two percent) per month will be applied to any outstanding amounts not paid within the deadline mentioned in point 1.
This announcement serves as an official and final notice before the statute of limitations applies.
Payments must be made at the municipality office during official working hours.
Note: The municipality will be closed on Wednesday, July 24, as employees will be attending a training session for the launch of the Digital Municipality Transformation Program at the Antonine Sisters School.
